JW Marriott Guanacaste Resort and Spa
An oasis of comfort and style awaits all travelers at JW Marriott Guanacaste Resort & Spa. Luxury amenities coupled with a spot in paradise makes our hacienda-style hotel the ideal destination for your Costa Rican getaway. Start your trip by soaking up exquisite relaxation in our rooms and suites, each complete with beautiful views of Guanacaste, luxurious bedding and 24-hour room service. After a day of traveling, pamper yourself with a soothing bath in our bathrooms complete with marble décor. Indulge in luscious treatments at our hotel spa, or dip your toes in our sparkling pool. When the cravings arise, treat yourself to one of the flavorful cuisines prepared by our experienced chefs. Cut into a tender steak or excite your taste buds with Italian fare or Asian fusion. C
QX insider